Sophie Mc Pike - Meet the artist

Melbourne Victoria, Australie

My name is Sophie and I'm a multidisciplinary artist and illustrator from beautiful Melbourne, Australia. I LOVE making stuff - I have very busy hands. I also foster greyhounds - animal activism is my second love and passion.

Have you always wanted to be an illustrator ? What studies did you follow ?

I definitely have always drawn and knew that all I ever wanted to do was to draw. During high school I did study subjects which would lead me to study being a vet, however, my passion for art surpassed that route - and I'm so glad I decided to follow the art path.
After High School I went to Art school where I focused on Painting, sculpture and print making.
Then, after some years, I went back to uni to study Animation which really helped me kick start my focus on becoming an illustrator.

What’s your favorite art supply ? 

It changes all the time depending on my mood. I've recently been exploring ceramics and sculpture and I'm having so much fun doing that. I'm also in love with beautiful, creamy acrylic paint too. But my easy go-to medium is watercolour or ink.
I do love scribbling and sketching in my Sketchbook as well. My sketchbook is attached at my hip and I experiment, scribble and doodle in it every day. My sketches often start more like how I think certain ideas should feel rather than the way I think they should look.

Do you prefer digital or traditional ?

I definitely prefer working traditional. I love the looseness and unpredictability to can achieve with traditional mediums. There's no better feeling that getting your hands moving and covered in paint !

What do you prefer to draw ?

Curvy bodies and flowers are a favourite of mine. Playing with colours and their relationships with each other is also one of my favourite things. Some of my illustrations are just based on colour pallets I find exciting and want to play with. I also love to play with the rhythm and flow of line and shape and how it all fits together in a pleasing composition.
Florals and nature is a huge part of my work as well as big curvy figures.

What was your first job as an illustrator ? and your favorite experience as an illustrator ?

I would design little flyers and posters for some of my parents' friends businesses or for bands that I hung out with at High school - I really liked doing band posters! I first 'serious' and real job in the industry I dreamed of working in was at a delightful animation studio. I worked as an animation designer and background artist.
My favourite experience is happening now! That the pieces I create are loved by people and that people want to own my works - it's such a fantastic and heart-warming feeling knowing that people pay money for my designs and artworks.

Are you represented by an agency ?

I'm self-represented! "Thistle Be Nice" is my business trading name.

Your style is very beautiful. When did you find it ? Was it easy ?

Thank you!!! I absolutely have not settled on a fixed style, nor would I ever want to. The way i draw and design is a product of years and years of looking as art in many different forms, experiencing life, being playful and experimenting with new things always. I'm passionate about trying new things all the time and experimenting in my practice because if I have to stick to one single thing I'd get too bored and my work becomes stiff and forced. Trying new things has pushed my brain to think differently and has pushed me to keep evolving.

Which illustration are you most proud of ?

I feel like I'm always most proud of my most recent pieces. At the moment it is a large acrylic illustration painting for an upcoming show I'm part of. However, I have kept a couple of realistic oil painted portraits of my favourite silent film stars because they were so fun to do and I felt that "Level Up" feeling when I was painting them - I think those paintings were what triggered me to believe that I could do this for a living.

Do you have a daily routine ? 

I try to have a daily routine - I find it quite hard to settle into a routine. The house I live in is very busy - with several housemates and foster dogs who come and go. My dream is to move out of the busy city life towards a quieter country town where I can really get into a good un-interrupted rhythm. One day ! I'm working on it !

What's your favorite illustrators ? 

There are just SO many artists I love. J. C. Leyendecker is one of my very first loves, I learnt to paint by looking at his works. Mary Blaire was incredible, Hans Arp, Brett Whiteley drawings, Jaques Tissot, Alfonse Mucha, Tamara de Lempicka, Aubrey Beardsley and also a plethora or modern and young artists.

Future projects to come ? 

I have a gorgeous ground show coming up at the end of August (this month) called Wallflower. We are all painting our relationship to flowers. I also have a huge market at the end of this year in December called The Big Design Market - which I'm very excited about and have already started working on some pieces to sell. I'm always dreaming up new products to release, but nothing solid I can talk about right now :)

Find Sophie in her websiteher shop, Instagram, Facebook.

Next interview on Saturday, September 14th with Cécile. Feel free to react in comment and tell me which illustrator do you want to see on my blog. See you every Saturday for a new interview. 

Lucile Farroni - 2019

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